If the PaperLess or PaperLessTest log file is full, it can be shrunk using SSMS:
1. Right click on the database with the full log, select properties:
2. Click on options, change the database to simple recovery mode. This will allow us to clear the log successfully and prevent the database from writing anything else to the log:
3. Right click on the database in which the log is full, select Tasks > Shrink > Files:

4. File type should be log, reorganize pages before releasing unused space, shrink files to 1000mb, click ok:

5. Right click on the database of the log that was just cleared, select properties:
6. Click on options, change the database back to full recovery mode:
Check file explorer, should see that the log size is now reduced. C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL16.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log.
Troubleshoot SQL maintenance plans and job history to prevent log from filling up in the future.