OAGIS Error message -

Socket Exception - Address: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): No such host is known

   at System.Net.Dns.InternalGetHostByAddress(IPAddress address, Boolean includeIPv6)

   at System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(IPAddress address)

   at PaperLess.MES.Core.Services.OperatorPanelService.OperatorPanelService.GetOperatorPanelByNameOrIPAddress(String nameOrIPAddress, Nullable`1 siteId)

( in the above message is the ip address of a workstation on the shop floor configured as an operator panel in Paper-Less)


Paper-Less is trying to determine if the connected PC is associated with a defined Operator Panel. It is requesting the Hostname of an IP Address from the DNS server. If the DNS server is not responding, the above message is generated. Paper-L:ess is unable to resolve the IP address to a Hostname.

Paper-Less operator panel configuration relies upon the TCP/IP command “NSLOOKUP” to determine the HOSTNAME from an IP. Therefore, if you enter “NSLOOKUP (IP4 address of shop terminal)” in a command prompt and it does not return the correct hostname on your network, there is a networking/DNS issue which your network administrator will need to resolve.

We recommend configuring Paper-Less operator panels using the IP address of the workstation rather than the hostname. You may still get this error message from Paper-Less since it may still not be able to resolve to a hostname for the workstation, but Paper-Less will still work properly since the operator panel is configured using IP address. However, if you configured the operator panel with a Hostname instead of IP address and your Domain Name Server doesn't resolve the hostname to an IP address, Paper-Less will not work properly on that workstation.

Please Contact your network system administrator to trouble shoot and correct your DNS server configuration or network problems.