There are several files in MDCC that store history information.  These files are not purged by MDCC.  It is up to the customer rules and procedures to come up with back-up and purge plans for these files.

1. PPLBPRxy/TDCTRN - this file is the MDCC PC client transaction history file. Every transaction created by the PC clients is written to this file first.  These transactions can't be edited in any way through MDCC.  They may be cleared at any time using any back-up and purge company policies for data retention.

2.  PPLBPRxy/DCHST - This file stores all transactions that have been successfully written from MDCC to TRDATA by the DC902 monitor job.  MDCC History must be tailored on for these to be written.  The transaction data stored in this file is exactly what was written to XA TRDATA file and it also can't be edited through MDCC in any way.  The transactions in DCHST can be backed up and purged at any time using whatever company policy is in place for data history.  

3. PPLBPRxy/DCADT - (WARNING AUDIT FILE) This data file used to store detailed information most but not every time a user ‘Accepts with Warning’ or when the TA reason code program is triggered to create an audit trail.  The Audit Report option from the Supervisor Menu displays the information from the table.  The audit report option is designed to allow a review of the warning messages that were accepted and tracking of the disposition action(s) taken to correct the warnings or any errors caused by the transaction that generated the warnings. This file can be cleared based on current company policy, but care should be taken to ensure that corrective actions have been completed for messages being purged if the option is being used.